Merge Multiple Google Docs into a Single Doc: GAS110
In this Google Apps Script project, I am sharing a solution to merge multiple Google Docs into a single one. You can simply make a copy of my project to use it, however, if you need a similar functionality in your project, you can copy the core function to use.
Check this project introduction video on YouTube if you prefer to watch video instructions.
Instructions (3 Steps)
Follow the steps below to set up your own project.
Step 1
Make a copy of my project here to your Google Drive.
Step 2
Complete the authorization step by clicking the button “Merge” in the tab App. It will ask your authorization to use the script, follow the guide below if this is new to you.
A Complete Guide to Authorize GAS Project
Step 3
When the authorization is done, you can try to select some documents from your Google Drive then click the button “Merge” to combine them into one Google Docs.
- Input Table: where you can select the Google Docs to be merged
- Switches Table:
- Keep Page Break: insert a page break between two Google Docs
- URLs Table:
- Folder Merged (Optional): a folder to save the merged doc, it will be saved to the same folder with the Spreadsheet if it’s not assigned
- Output Table:
- URL Folder Merged: it’s a formula to get the URL of the selected folder for the merged doc
- Status: used by the script for the app status
- Merged Doc: used by the script, a link to the merged doc if the merge was successful, an error message when script failed
Core Function “mergeDocs_”
It takes a list of Google Docs URLs or IDs and returns a merged Google Dos file.
* @param {string[]} urlsOrIds a list of Google Docs urls or ids
* @param {boolean} keepPagebreak Insert a page break between docs to be merged
* @param {string} filename The file name of the merged file
* @return {GoogleAppsScript.Drive.File} a merged Google Docs file
const mergeDocs_ = (urlsOrIds, keepPagebreak = true, filename) => {
const urlFilter = (v) => v.startsWith("https://");
* @param {GoogleAppsScript.Document.Document} targetDoc
* @param {boolean} keepPagebreak Insert a pagebreak between docs to be merged
* @param {GoogleAppsScript.Document.Document} doc
const appendDoc_ = (targetDoc, doc, keepPagebreak = true) => {
const bodyTarget = targetDoc.getBody();
const body = doc.getBody();
const countOfElement = body.getNumChildren();
if (countOfElement === 0) return;
keepPagebreak && bodyTarget.appendPageBreak();
for (let i = 0; i < countOfElement; i++) {
const child = body.getChild(i);
const type = child.getType();
const copy = child.copy();
if (type === DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE) {
} else if (type === DocumentApp.ElementType.PAGE_BREAK) {
} else if (type === DocumentApp.ElementType.INLINE_IMAGE) {
} else if (type === DocumentApp.ElementType.HORIZONTAL_RULE) {
} else if (type === DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM) {
const listItem = copy.asListItem();
} else {
return targetDoc;
const [firstDoc, ...restDocs] = urlsOrIds
.map((v) => {
try {
return urlFilter(v)
? DocumentApp.openByUrl(v)
: DocumentApp.openById(v);
} catch (err) {
return err.message;
.filter((v) => typeof v !== "string");
filename = filename || "Merged doc " + new Date().toLocaleString();
const copy = DriveApp.getFileById(firstDoc.getId())
const mergedDoc = DocumentApp.openById(copy.getId());
restDocs.forEach((doc) => appendDoc_(mergedDoc, doc, keepPagebreak));
return copy;
Demo Function “mergeDocs”
This is the demo script which is assigned to the button “Merge” in the tab “App”. We are using the named ranges in the script, so you will need to update the code if you renamed them in the Spreadsheet.
* status, mergedDoc, urlFolderMerged, keepPagebreak are the named ranges
const mergeDocs = () => {
const updateStatus_ = (status, message) => {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("App");
const docUrlFilter = (v) =>
v && v.startsWith("");
const rangeStatus = sheet.getRange("status");
const rangeMergedDoc = sheet.getRange("mergedDoc");
const rangeUrlFolderMerged = sheet.getRange("urlFolderMerged");
const rangeKeepPageBreak = sheet.getRange("keepPagebreak");
const keepPagebreak = rangeKeepPageBreak.getValue() === true;
const tableInput = sheet.getRange("B3").getDataRegion();
const urls = tableInput
.map((v) => v[1])
if (urls.length <= 1) {
"At least two docs should be entered in the input table to merge.",
let folder = null;
const folderUrl = rangeUrlFolderMerged.getValue();
const folderId = folderUrl.split("?id=")[1] ||
if (folderId) {
try {
folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);
} catch (err) {
updateStatus_("Error", err.message);
updateStatus_("Merging ...", null);
try {
const doc = mergeDocs_(urls, keepPagebreak);
folder && DriveApp.getFileById(doc.getId()).moveTo(folder);
updateStatus_("Success", doc.getUrl());
} catch (err) {
updateStatus_("Error", err.message);
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