Effortlessly Publish Google Docs as Blogger Posts and Pages


If you incorporate Google Docs into your daily workflow to craft posts for your Google Blogger, you've come to the right place. OneScript's "Easy Blog" functionality allows us to seamlessly transform Google Docs into Google Blogger pages or posts. Explore additional capabilities offered by OneScript.


Install from Google Workspace Marketplace


[ New 🎉] 26/Dec/2024: You can now embed published Google Slides™ to Google Blogger™ with Easy Blog.

Example Google Slides (You will need to publish the Google Slides and copy the embed URL to use it).

3/Oct/2024: Add option “Permalink Path” to “Easy Blog” for custom link.

22/Aug/2024: Add "Update" feature to "Easy Blog".

14/Aug/2024: New option added “Links in New Tab” will make all links to be opened in a new tab in the browser.

7/Aug/2024: Responsive images and tables, embed YouTube videos and playlists, custom JavaScript and CSS, save blog settings.

Initial release


In any Google Docs, you can prepare the content easily by adding text, images, and links. You can open the app Easy Blog in the OneScript sidebar to create a page or a post to your Google Blogger account.

  • Title: The title of the page of the post to be created, the name of the document will be used by default.
  • Permalink Path: The permalink path of the post or page, the title will be used if it’s not assigned.
  • Post to Blog: Where the page or the post to be created.
  • Blog Type: Create a post or a page.
  • Page ID/Post ID: The id of the page or post to be updated.
  • Tags (Optional): A comma separated tags for the post only, max tags are 20.
  • Create Draft Only: Create a draft for the post.
  • Insert “Read More” after the First Image: To fix a Google Blogger theme issue when there are too many images in the post or the page.
  • Responsive Images: Make all images to take the full width of the blog page body.
  • Responsive Tables: Make all tables to use the full width of the blog page body.
  • Enable YouTube Videos: Convert all YouTube video and playlist links into embed iframes in the post or the page.
  • Links in New Tab: Make all links from the document to open in a new tab.
  • JavaScript (Optional): Add your custom JavaScript for the post or the page, don’t include the <script> tag.
  • CSS (Optional): Add your custom style sheet for the post or the page, don’t include the <style> tag.
  • Save Blog Settings: Save the form data for the current document so you can reload them later for your next post.

* When there is a page ID or post ID in the settings, the doc will be used to update the page or post.

* If the post is in DRAFT status, the update will fail.


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