Import HTML with Regex in Google Sheets with Chalkline Functions
In Google Sheets, you may be seeking a custom function that can parse HTML content using regular expressions. If so, you've come to the right place. My latest Chalkline update introduces my first custom function for Google Sheets, designed to help you achieve this goal.
Install from Google Workspace Marketplace
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Function List
Upon installing the Google Sheets add-on, access custom functions by typing "=CL_". All custom functions in this add-on start with "CL_".
- CL_IMPORT_HTML - Unlike the native IMPORT_HTML function, this feature can analyze the HTML content using the prowess of regular expressions, thus enabling you to extract data beyond just tables or lists.
In this demonstration, we utilize the custom function CL_IMPORT_HTML to retrieve information about the installations of the add-on. This data is obtained from the add-on installation page on the Google Marketplace Store. To test the feature, you can input the following parameters:
- url - āā
- regex - ā<div aria-label="".+this app\."">([^<]+)<\/div>ā
- flags - āiā
* Due to the grouping of the installation in the regular expression parameter, the function will return two values. This allows you to index the result if desired.
* When utilizing the regex parameter, it's important to pay close attention to how double quotes should be handled, especially if they are present within the parameter itself.
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