Wrapify Newsletter: Insert RSS Posts into Google Docs and Sheets


Introducing a new feature in our Wrapify add-on: the ability to insert posts from RSS feeds directly into Google Docs and Google Sheets. Simply provide the add-on with a list of RSS links, and the newsletter feature will fetch the posts from those links. From there, you can select the posts from the sidebar and insert them into your Google document or spreadsheet as either a list or a table. Try it out today in the Google Marketplace Store!


Install from Google Marketplace Store


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Add RSS Links

After installing the extension, you can access the sidebar by navigating to "Extensions > Wrapify > Newsletter." To use the posts, you must first add some RSS links. This view allows you to add a single RSS link or import a list of links from a spreadsheet.

Add Single RSS

From the app bar, you can click the plus button to add a new RSS link. This action will open a form where you can enter the necessary information for defining the RSS feed.

Type - To make it easier for you, your RSS feed types, including Google News and Yahoo Finance, have been customized to streamline the entry process.

Source Name - The source name of your RSS feed.

URL - For normal RSS only

Query - For Google News only

Tickers - For Yahoo Finance Only

Filter - The last 1, 3, 5, 10 posts, or posted in 1, 3, 7 days.

You can test this blog’s RSS link, which is provided below. https://automatetheboring.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss

Import RSS

If you wish to import a list of your RSS links from Google Sheets, you can do so. If this is your first time importing, make a copy of this provided template. From the app bar, you can click the import button to import them.

Spreadsheet URL - Where you saved RSS links.

Delete Existed Links - If import and overwrite the RSS links.

Delete RSS

After adding or importing RSS links, you have the flexibility to remove them if you no longer find them useful.

Posts View

If we do get some posts from the RSS feeds, you should be able to see a list of posts from these RSS links on the home page.

For your convenience, we provide three viewing options for you to choose from. These options include grouping news articles by publication date, grouping them by source name, or viewing them without any grouping.

Insert Selected Posts

When you have some posts selected in the sidebar, you can insert them to the document by clicking the newsletter insert button on the app bar.

Selected Posts - A list of the selected posts and you can adjust the order if you want.

Insert As - List or Table.

Hyperlinks on - Where the link of the post should be linked to (for list only).

Font Style - For list only.

List Style - For list only.

Line Spacing - For list only.

Other Features

  • Refresh Option: To ensure you have the most recent posts from the RSS feeds, we've cached them for 6 hours on our backend. However, if you want to view the latest posts immediately, you can manually refresh the page to retrieve them.

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