FormSign – Document Signature with Google Forms

A free solution for signing document with Google Workspace & Apps Script: GAS109


If you are looking for a free solution to sign the document with Google Forms, you may check this one. By using Google Forms & Apps Script, we send the respondent an email with the sign request which is a Web App.


Try to submit this form below to get an email for signing:

An email to the respondent:

Sign App:

Signed Email:


App Settings:

urlUpdate with yoursThe URL of the sign web app
urlDocumentPubUpdate with yoursThe URL of the document for user to view in the web app
urlDocumentUpdate with yoursThe URL of the document template for user to sign (support placeholders in file name)
urlFolderUpdate with yoursThe URL of the folder for saving the signed document
headerEmailEmail AddressThe field name in the form for email address to the respondent
headerNameFull NameThe field name in the form for the respondent
headerUuid_uuidAdded column by the script
headerSignStatus_signStatusAdded column by the script
headerSignUrl_signUrlAdded column by the script
headerSignedDate_signedDateAdded column by the script
headerSignedDocument_signedDocAdded column by the script
headerSignedPdf_signedPdfAdded column by the script
signaturePlaceholder{{signature}}The placeholder in the sign document template
signatureWidth200The signature image width in the signed document
Sign Email:
signSubjectNew FormSign Request {{Full Name}}: GAS0109Support placeholders
signBodyHi {{Full Name}},
Use this link below to sign the document.<a href=”{{_signUrl}}”>Sign</a>
Support HTML body & placeholders
[signBcc]Comma-separated email addresses
Signed Email:
signedEmailEnabledTRUESend the email to user after sign
signedSubjectSigned by {{Full Name}} with FormSign: GAS109Support placeholders
signedBodyHi {{Full Name}},
You’ve signed the document successfully.<a href=”{{_signUrl}}”>Sign Status</a>
Support HTML body & placeholders
[signedBcc]Comma-separated email addresses
[includeSignedPdf]TRUEAttach the signed PDF as an attachment in the email


  • Make a copy of my project from this link.
  • Install the trigger from the custom menu “FormSign”.
  • Open “Apps Script” by going “Extensions > Apps Script” in the menu of the copied Spreadsheet.
  • Create a new Deployment for “Web App” and complete the authorization process for the first time.
  • Update URLs in the “Settings” tab with your own links.

Check on YouTube


Make a copy

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